Sunday, August 9, 2015


MintVine General Information

Becoming a Member of MintVine
You may register with MintVine very quickly by using your Facebook account, or you may sign up the traditional route, by using your e-mail address.
When your account reaches 1000 points ($10), you may redeem your points for cash paid to your PayPal or Dwolla account. Alternatively, you may request an electronic gift code to Amazon, Target, and other retailers. Redemptions take approximately 48 hours to process.
Points for Survey Disqualifications
Receive 5 points credited to your account when you are disqualified from completing a survey.
Referral Program
Earn 15% from each friend's future earnings on all surveys and offers. Your unique referral code will be listed in your account. Once your friend completes their first survey, you will also receive a 50 point bonus ($0.50)
Survey Lengths
Most online surveys will take between 10-20 minutes to complete. The estimated completion time will always be listed. Special MintRoll surveys are shorter and are, at most, 8 minutes in length.
MintRoll Surveys
MintRoll surveys are special surveys based on your behavior as well as opinions. These surveys are highly targeted and may be sent up to 3x weekly. Surveys are typically 7.5 minutes long and pay 200 points ($2).
Daily Polls
Every day, log into your account to receive 5 or more points for taking a quick poll available in your MintVine dashboard. You may complete one poll every 24 hours to accumulate these extra points.
Earn Extra Points with Local Deals
Local Deals offers are businesses that offer great deals along side earning bonus MintVine points if you choose to make a purchase. These opportunities are also listed in your MintVine dashboard.
How to Redeem Points
Once you have earned a minimum of 1000 points ($10 worth), a redeem button will become active in the "Current Earnings" panel. You can then choose a cash payment option or to request an electronic gift card.
Eligibility: USA, UK, Canada residents 13+

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