Toluna General Information
Rewards for Surveys
Toluna offers an extensive rewards catalogue.
Toluna offers an extensive rewards catalogue.
Gift certificates and PayPal payments - Toluna offers a substantial selection of gift certificates to retailers including Amazon, Starbucks, Wal-Mart, iTunes, Tango, Best Buy, Target, and more. Gift certificate values start at 30,000 points, or $10. PayPal payments start at 90,000 points ($30). You can also request a $25 check with 75,000 points These amounts are stated for Toluna USA, and may vary slightly by region.
Toluna Gifties - The Gifties program is essentially an instant win game where a small number of points can be exchanged for a chance to win a prize. Each Giftie represents an actual item that can become real if you are a winner. Winners are chosen at random, and bidding on Gifties does not guarantee winning them.
Sweepstakes - Toluna offers monthly draws for thousands of dollars in cash and items such as electronics whose entries can be redeemed for a relatively small number of points. Note that sweepstakes draws are not available in all regions.
Rewards Process
Toluna states on their website that it can take up to 8 weeks for delivery of rewards after they've been requested. However, many members seem to receive virtual gift cards and PayPal payments within a few days of request.
Toluna states on their website that it can take up to 8 weeks for delivery of rewards after they've been requested. However, many members seem to receive virtual gift cards and PayPal payments within a few days of request.
Number of Points Per Survey
The number of points will vary per survey and is based on things like the length and complexity of the survey. That said, successful survey completions can award anywhere from 15 - 20,000 points each.
The number of points will vary per survey and is based on things like the length and complexity of the survey. That said, successful survey completions can award anywhere from 15 - 20,000 points each.
New Member Bonus
New members to the Toluna community will automatically have 500 points deposited into their accounts.
New members to the Toluna community will automatically have 500 points deposited into their accounts.
Product Testing Opportunities
Toluna offers its members the opportunity to test products from home. Members can apply to test the products they find the most interesting. Product tests can be for things such as makeup, toothbrushes, deodorant, and more. Users participating in product tests can keep the product and are asked to provide their feedback using it.
Toluna offers its members the opportunity to test products from home. Members can apply to test the products they find the most interesting. Product tests can be for things such as makeup, toothbrushes, deodorant, and more. Users participating in product tests can keep the product and are asked to provide their feedback using it.
Additional Ways to Earn Points
Besides participating in online surveys, members of Toluna can earn additional points by participating in sponsored mini-polls (typically a yes/no question for 15 points), filling out profile surveys (worth 100 points each) and by referring friends (500 points per referral).
Besides participating in online surveys, members of Toluna can earn additional points by participating in sponsored mini-polls (typically a yes/no question for 15 points), filling out profile surveys (worth 100 points each) and by referring friends (500 points per referral).
Eligibility: Residents worldwide 13+